This project was a part of my internship at Inmeta Hamar, a section of a consultant firm based in Norway. During this internship I was tasked to help redisign Miljøagentene's website. Miljøagentene is a non-profit organisation that aims to teach children to both enjoy and protect nature.They have over 10,000 members across the country.
I worked primarilly on gathering insight and creating the membership form. I did give imput on the website as a whole as well as transitioning to developing the website as the form began to take shape.
Their website can be found here:
My contribution as a UX-designer consisted of:
Participated in creating and transcribing interviews.
Participated in and fascilitated workshops
Developed a membership form
Concept creation and development
What design methods were used:
​​​​​​​- Interviews
- Kjernemodellen
- Wireframes
- Prototyping
- Iteration
- Prioritizing
What have I learned:
- How to work within a company
- How to communicate with a Customer
- Designing for a customer
- How to form a prototype around a design manual

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